Lunes, Pebrero 10, 2014

Blog Post 4: Financial Problems of the Student

The financial problems is one of the common studying problem that each student pursues it that causes different trials so it affects their studies. Many of us experiencing these challenges even though we need to study, we can't because there's not enough budget that we can't afford tuition fees. There are many types of financial problems because of poverty and lack of savings which is not good to the fellow students want to study.

I read an article entitled "Financial Issues Facing College Students" by Elaine E. Bedel in As the summary of the article, for most students, going off to college represents the first time they are totally on their own. It's their time to learn to be responsible for themselves. The few tips to help financial problems are first is create a budget and pay bills on time, checking accounts and debit cards, and you must impact of poor money to manage savings. Expenses cannot consume money unless you know many skills through financial managements. Other people have lack of skills so that there always consume money with anything that has no specific purpose so that they are confused on how to budget those fees in exact time.

Miss Bedel quoted "As parents, we hope any lapse in judgement has only minor consequences." Unfortunately, errors in money management can impact them long after graduation. Giving your students some pointers to save more efficient money for future.

As your student is packing up, take the opportunity to have a serious money talk. We understand the temptations that is not different to those students. Students will meet others that may have more discretionary income available to them. Make sure that students understand his or her financial situations and is not surprised that other students may able to spend more. Guidance is important, it can provide an excellent opportunity to the student to develop financial skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. In college, I never realized the opportunities available. I've been given a chance to meet all kinds of people to travel and expand my financial capabilities to get ideas and learn about life. A big financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about what- ifs life.

I read another article entitled "Financial Stress: An Everyday Reality for College Students" by Kate Trombitas in The summary tells about the number of factors contribute to student stress, but very prominent are those related to student finances. Its about facing financial problems daily of those students that impact on their academic performance or progress.

As Kate Trombitas quoted, "Information found is critical for financial aid and business offices to use in the development and implementation of their financial education problems. "Naturally, stress varies across different demographics such as year in school but a recurring theme of financial stress is an ongoing issue.
If you and your family are facing financial problems, you understand how easy it can be to fall behind on your finances. In many cases a financial issue is just temporary caused by an unforeseen bill or temporary lay-off. Knowing how to get yourself back on a track after a financial downfall will help you regain financial power and peace of mind.
Academic qualifications are important and also financial education. They're both important so that we must nurture these aspects to avoid mass destructions.

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