I read an article entitled "Dangerous Student Problems" by Justin Daeger in universitybsiness.com. As you can see the summary, the article stated that there are many problems that affect each student; not only does it affect the students in studying but also the student's health are definitely affected. It's sad to know that most of the students have these characteristics, each second that is wasted would be horrible for the society. Those examples that were given need to be ended so the next generation of students are won't be tempted through it.
Justin Daeger stated that "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." All of us need to be curios but sometimes it affects our integrity. The following are the common problems that affects the students in our society:

The second is Addiction. Some are being caught in computer shops because of addiction through playing video games. Students are influenced to cut classes to play video games in class hours.
The third is Depression. Most commonly reasons cause the student is broken heartedness; somehow, some are taking suicide cause of too much sadness. It is sad to hear that many students had been drunk or whatever because they need comfort.

comes to you.
Several years have pass since I started studying, I never did a wrong job that keeps me away to my good personality. Yes, there are times that they are catching your attention but you need to fight those things to avoid temptations. Studying is like a treasure that you'll need to keep it, accept those opportunities that help you to strive more. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying perfectly.
I read another article entitled "The Problem With Study: Drugs and More" by Elizabeth Hoyth in fastweb.com. The summary is about problems of the student aids through studying and one of them is drugs. Such students are said to be thinking a means to supplement their academic achievement level while maintaining active in other aspects of life.
Elizabeth Hoyth quoted, "It's no secret that students are held to an almost-impossible standard of perfection." The pressure to succeed can become unbearable because after all, nobody's perfect.
Students take drugs and mostly because of peer pressure so that it causes addiction, depression, bullying and more which is not good for our lives. What happen if they get these dangerous problems? What happen to their lives, to their future? It is important to have a peaceful life through studying, the problem is, the curiosity. Many of us are curiously want the bad things that affects their minds and body; short to say, their lives. We need to fight those temptations so that we can overcome the peer pressures in our surroundings that can help us to focus on our study and be better on it.
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