Linggo, Pebrero 23, 2014

Blog Post 8: Cyber Sex Addiction: Bad for Students

Cybersex and Internet pornography addiction are new problem areas confronting couples and family. A most significant experience inducing family members to reach out to a therapist to help with their addicted is the realization that the individual they are living with has become a stranger. It focuses the bad habits of students who are enjoying cybersex addiction. Students' lack of social skills were predictive of more time spent online. Time spent online for cybersex was predictive of sexually compulsive behaviour.

I read an article entitled "Effects on Cybersex Addiction on Studies: The Dark Side of Force" by J.P Schneider in As a summary, is about necessity of identifying risk factors that there is a need to protect one's children from distractions and corrosive elements of the net. Limitations to internet access is needed to oneself that is very important. Therefore, a key challenge to parents and educators is identifying the risk factors and the individuals most at risk.

J.P Schneider quoted, "Ironically, many student participants justified their increasing time online saying they need to 'stay in touch' while they ignored those they were living it." I hear complaints from spouses, parents, and especially children who feel the internet has robed them of their loved ones.

These are individuals who never mastered how to get along with others. When they were studying, they often studied straight through recess or preferred cyber sexing or doing solitary activities. It deeply matters that cyber sexing is bad for society and it is not allowed what you rely is to be tempted because of your addiction that causes a great tragedy.

I read another article entitled "Causes and Signs of Cybersex Addictions" by Robert Weiss in The summary tells about the dangerous causes and signs of cyber sexing addictions of the humanity that lead to distractions of the individual. Although it's a 'virtual' sexual encounter, the addictive, power and destructive capacities of cybersex are still very real.

Robert Weiss quoted, "Similarly, people engaged in cybersex because they feel they can experiment sexually without knowing their true identity." Experiences with cybersex can also cost less than paying for other sexual services.

People with cybersex addiction become obsessed with the behavior, spending multiple hours away from their studies to access it. They may not be able to refrain from accessing the materials in studies, even though the consequences are known. Let's stop this habits of being rude to the community, it is not good for our health and personality. It is better to have a clean and delightful character that will lead us to a marvellous future.

Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

Blog post 7: Stereotypes in Schools

One of the most prevalent problems in schools is that of stereotypes. Everyone is grouped into a particular group or section, and it's hard to shake that label. For example, if a child thinks more favourably of one particular group, they may try everything that they can to try to be included in that group. Sometimes, that leads to making mistakes or bad decisions that they otherwise wouldn't make. This also leads to cliques being formed. Many cliques to have each other, for no apparent reason, which can lead to major problems.

According to the article entitled "Ethnic Stereotypes in Schools: We are all part of the Problem." written by Ron Bernee in The summary shows students are belonging to an ethnic minority to deal with ethnic stereotypes on a daily basis. First, we recognize that stereotypes are present and affecting students because of the phenomenon of stereotype threat. Stereotype threat is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Students will live up or down to perceived expectations.

As Ron Bernee quoted "Stereotyping can snuff out our uniqueness, our creativity. We become diminished." He also tells that we must help students change their own perceptions of their group. We should speak out and attack stereotypes for what they are- generalizations and attitudes from prejudicial roots.

I'm not advocating a "touchy-feeling" boost self-esteem at any cost approach. As a student, I suggest excellence in my fellow classmates and I strongly encourage them to their academic limits with a rigorous curriculum . Schools should be safe havens of thinking and dialogue. We need to be consciously teaching tolerance. We can overcome this.

Another article that I read entitled "How Ethnic Stereotypes Are created in the Classroom." of Sarah D. Sparks in The summary is about exploring ethnic gender stereotypes are created and is finding that more-equitable coed classrooms can have social and academic benefits for boys and girls alike.

Sarah Sparks quoted "Separation by gender stereotypes is a fact of human childhood and is equally common among young monkeys and apes." That part is not good for children especially those students who are actually young of being insecure.

Teachers stereotypes about student abilities may also be tempered in a more balanced classroom. Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, colour or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. We must end this stereotyping madness.

Blog Post 6: Stress! Stress! Stress!

College can be a stressful time for anyone. Some stress pushes you to meet goals by studying more, working harder or sticking with a challenging task. But sometimes stress reaches am unhealthy level that can prevent you from functioning well and meeting your goals. Your health, school performance and social life can all suffer when stress becomes too much to handle. That's because stress can affect your mood and ability to think clearly. It can also weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick.

I read an article entitled "Good stress, Bad stress" by Jed Foundation in The summary is about benefits of stress and disadvantages of stress is a burst of energy that basically advices you on what to do. Stress is also a vital warning system, producing the fight-or-fight response. When the brain perceives some kind of stress, it starts flooding the body with chemicals. This creates a variety of reactions such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Jed Foundation quoted that "For instance, stress can help you meet daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals." In fact, stress can help you accomplish tasks more efficiently. If can even boost memory. For instance, stress can improve how your heart works and protect your body from infection.

At any give point in time, most college students are stressed about something; it's just part of going to school. While having stress in your life is normal and often unavoidable, being stressed is something you can control. It can be hard to ask for help , and unless your friends are psychic, they may not know how stressed out you are. Finding a few moments of peace and quiet- with no cellphone, room mates, or crowds- might be just what you need. Stepping out from the crazy college environment for a few moments can do wonders for reducing your stress. Stress is an inevitable part of life, but you can improve the way you respond to stress and avoid or change some of the situations that creates negative stress.

According to another article entitled "What Kind of Stress is Good for You?" by Elizabeth Scott in The summary tells about is stress can be good or bad for you. However, good stress can turn into bad stress, and vice versa.

Elizabeth Scott quoted, "I've alluded to it twice already; good stress can be bad for you if you experience too much of it." This is because your stress response is triggered either way, there is still a cumulative stress. That's why it's important to be in tune with yourself and be able to tell when you've had too much.

Stress may be considered as any physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental unrest and that may be a factor in disease causation. An important goal for those under stress is the management of stress in our lives. Elimination of stress is unrealistic, since stress is a part of normal life. We can however, learn to manage stress through techniques such as exercise, relaxation, meditation, time management, and support systems so that we have control over our stress and its effects on our physical and mental health. Overall, it's important to have a good stress in our life.

Blog Post 5: Procrastination

The avoidance of doing a task which needs to be done - postponing until tomorrow what can be done today. Procrastination not only affects a person's work but also commonly involves feeling such as guilt, inadequacy, self-disgust, stress and depression. You regularly have good intentions to get an early start preparing for examinations, but it's just too difficult to get out of your warm and cozy bed. Before you know it, it is already afternoon. You should really be working hard on your dissertation, but the flowers simply cannot be left to wilt. The washing and shopping both need doing. Your friends all agree that you need to relax every once in a while. So what does it matter if you go out on the town for the third time in a week? The dissertation will always be there when you come back. Even if you enjoy studying, there are always temptations lurking to put paid to your good intentions. Of course, it is quite normal to occasionally give in to temptation, but if starts to become a habit, you are likely to encounter real problems.

According to the article entitled "Overcoming Procrastination" by Steve Pavlina in his own website The summary it's all about on how to overcome procrastination among students, the behaviour pattern of procrastination can be triggered in many ways, so you won't always procrastinate for the same your reason. Sometimes you'll procrastinate because you're overwhelmed with too much on your plate, and procrastination gives you escape. Other times you'll feel tired and lazy, and you just can't going. This article will explore the root causes of procrastination and give you several practical tools to overcome it.

Steve Pavlina quoted that "One of the simplest ways to reduce stress is to take more
time for play." A wise solution  is to reduce the amount of stress in your life when
possible, such that you can spend more time working because you want to,  not because
you have to. When you feel stressed, worried, or anxious, it's hard to work productively.
levels under control.

Sometimes you may have more items on your to-do list that you can reasonably
complete. This can quickly lead to overwhelm, and ironically  you may be more likely to
procrastinate when you can least afford it. Think of it as your brain refusing to cooperate with a schedule that you know is unreasonable. In this case, the message is that you need to stop, reassess your true priorities, and simplify. Be aware that the peak performers in any field tend to take more vacation time and work shorter hours than the workaholics. When you feel lazy, even simple tasks seem like too much work because is your energy is too low compared to the energy required by the task. Once we fall into this pattern, it's easy to get stuck due to inertia because an object at rest tends to remain at rest.

I read another article entitled "The Psychology of Overcoming Procrastination" by Kendra Cherry in The summary is all about procrastination is something that most people have at least a little experience with. No matter how well- organized and committed you are, chances are that you have found yourself frittering away hours on trivial pursuits when you should have been spending that time on school related  projects. This article tells about the psychology knowledge about procrastination among people most especially to the students who are experiencing these aspects.

She quoted "It's not just students who fall into the 'I'll do it later' trap." One of the reason ofthe negative impact of procrastination. These people don't just procrastinate occasionally; it is a major part of their lifestyle. They study late, don't start work on big projects until the night before the deadline.

Unfortunately, this procrastination can have a serious impact on a number of life areas, including a person's mental health. Not only can procrastination have a negative impact on your health; it can also harm your social relationships. In most cases, procrastination is not a sign of a serious problem. It is a common tendency that we all given in to at some point or another. It is only in cases where procrastination becomes to chronic that it begins to have a serious impact on a person's daily life that it becomes a more serious issue.

Lunes, Pebrero 10, 2014

Blog Post 4: Financial Problems of the Student

The financial problems is one of the common studying problem that each student pursues it that causes different trials so it affects their studies. Many of us experiencing these challenges even though we need to study, we can't because there's not enough budget that we can't afford tuition fees. There are many types of financial problems because of poverty and lack of savings which is not good to the fellow students want to study.

I read an article entitled "Financial Issues Facing College Students" by Elaine E. Bedel in As the summary of the article, for most students, going off to college represents the first time they are totally on their own. It's their time to learn to be responsible for themselves. The few tips to help financial problems are first is create a budget and pay bills on time, checking accounts and debit cards, and you must impact of poor money to manage savings. Expenses cannot consume money unless you know many skills through financial managements. Other people have lack of skills so that there always consume money with anything that has no specific purpose so that they are confused on how to budget those fees in exact time.

Miss Bedel quoted "As parents, we hope any lapse in judgement has only minor consequences." Unfortunately, errors in money management can impact them long after graduation. Giving your students some pointers to save more efficient money for future.

As your student is packing up, take the opportunity to have a serious money talk. We understand the temptations that is not different to those students. Students will meet others that may have more discretionary income available to them. Make sure that students understand his or her financial situations and is not surprised that other students may able to spend more. Guidance is important, it can provide an excellent opportunity to the student to develop financial skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. In college, I never realized the opportunities available. I've been given a chance to meet all kinds of people to travel and expand my financial capabilities to get ideas and learn about life. A big financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about what- ifs life.

I read another article entitled "Financial Stress: An Everyday Reality for College Students" by Kate Trombitas in The summary tells about the number of factors contribute to student stress, but very prominent are those related to student finances. Its about facing financial problems daily of those students that impact on their academic performance or progress.

As Kate Trombitas quoted, "Information found is critical for financial aid and business offices to use in the development and implementation of their financial education problems. "Naturally, stress varies across different demographics such as year in school but a recurring theme of financial stress is an ongoing issue.
If you and your family are facing financial problems, you understand how easy it can be to fall behind on your finances. In many cases a financial issue is just temporary caused by an unforeseen bill or temporary lay-off. Knowing how to get yourself back on a track after a financial downfall will help you regain financial power and peace of mind.
Academic qualifications are important and also financial education. They're both important so that we must nurture these aspects to avoid mass destructions.

Sabado, Pebrero 1, 2014

Blog Post 3: Dangerous Things that Affect the Student

In our daily lives, there are many different things that we encounter; different questions different perspectives. But the thing is, the more we want to know the more we want to be in danger. Sometimes, curiosity makes you feel great but it keeps you away from good things. Always remember that temptations are everywhere that cause tragedies.

I read an article entitled "Dangerous Student Problems" by Justin Daeger in As you can see the summary, the article stated that there are many problems that affect each student; not only does it affect the students in studying but also the student's health are definitely affected. It's sad to know that most of the students have these characteristics, each second that is wasted would be horrible for the society. Those examples that were given need to be ended so the next generation of students are won't be tempted through it.

Justin Daeger stated that "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." All of us need to be curios but sometimes it affects our integrity. The following are the common problems that affects the students in our society:
First is Drugs. Many students get attractive in drugs because they are being tempted to try and as long as they do it several times, it affects their health.
The second is Addiction. Some are being caught in computer shops because of addiction through playing video games. Students are influenced to cut classes to play video games in class hours.
The third is Depression. Most commonly reasons cause the student is broken heartedness; somehow, some are taking suicide cause of too much sadness. It is sad to hear that many students had been drunk or whatever because they need comfort.

Fourth is Bullying. Aside from teacher abuse, these are the annoying part of studying; you'll get bullied because some students are too strong because they are many that you cannot beat with it so you will get bullied after all.
The last is Peer pressure. All of us are being tempted through peer pressure, because that particular section is strongly irritating to the society. You'll never know what you will do if it
 comes to you.

Several years have pass since I started studying, I never did a wrong job that keeps me away to my good personality. Yes, there are times that they are catching your attention but you need to fight those things to avoid temptations. Studying is like a treasure that you'll need to keep it, accept those opportunities that help you to strive more. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying perfectly.

I read another article entitled "The Problem With Study: Drugs and More" by Elizabeth Hoyth in The summary is about problems of the student aids through studying and one of them is drugs. Such students are said to be thinking a means to supplement their academic achievement level while maintaining active in other aspects of life.

Elizabeth Hoyth quoted, "It's no secret that students are held to an almost-impossible standard of perfection." The pressure to succeed can become unbearable because after all, nobody's perfect.

Students take drugs and mostly because of peer pressure so that it causes addiction, depression, bullying and more which is not good for our lives. What happen if they get these dangerous problems? What happen to their lives, to their future? It is important to have a peaceful life through studying, the problem is, the curiosity. Many of us are curiously want the bad things that affects their minds and body; short to say, their lives. We need to fight those temptations so that we can overcome the peer pressures in our surroundings that can help us to focus on our study and be better on it.

Blog Post 2: How To Pay Attention in Class

There are students want to participate actively during class hours and there are students who are active to have a better grade. But why do most of the students don't have any attentions in the class? Is this because their mentality or they are not interested to the subjects that's why they are doing something that is not related to the class which is definitely wrong.

According to the article "Paying Attention In Class" that I've read in Maggie Jackson quoted that "Paying attention is more important skill than you might think - and new evidence suggests it can be taught."
The ability to pay careful attention isn't important just for students and air traffic controllers. Researchers findings tells us attention is crucial to a host of other, sometimes surprising, life skills: the ability to sort through conflicting evidence, to connect more deeply with other people, and even to develop a conscience.

The summary of the article that I read is about the surveys that students need attention in class. Those researchers found that the hierarchy of studying defines great contribution to corporate world. The important thing is about conflicting evidence, to connect more deeply with other people.

All of us need to learn something that's why we're studying. The important thing is every time we are going to school, we should always remember that all of these are steps required to be taken to have a better future. We need to study and strive more to achieve our goals. During classes, we must pay attention and be responsible. Do not let time to pass. Each minute is important. I made this because I want to encourage those students who are not sincere in studying. We need to value discipline, innovation and integrity to have a personality better than others.

According to another article called "Positive classroom interactions vital to pre-K Learning" by Jennifer Johnston in she mentioned about self- regulation skills also called "executive functioning" are related to children's ability to control their effort, pay attention and stay on task. She also noted that children in classrooms infused with more positive behaviors made gains not just in classroom regulation but also academically. As she quoted "The research marks the first time empirical data have proved what many educators have believed to be true anecdotally." It means that Children must acquire better cognitive learning skills in a classroom infused with 'positive effective interactions'.

The article talks about how to interact positively through class, although it also tells about positive interactions in pre-kindergarten classroom may be equality or more important for the future academic development. It trains that the 4-years old development to improve knowledge and understand ability among lessons. It also helps that the students not to being lazy and encourage to pay attention during class hours.

 Some attention is perforce given to the origin and the line of derivation of the institution, as well as to features of social life that are not commonly classed as economic. All I can say are don't let the time passes by without studying hard. Pay attention in class. We must do well in class like being active and paying attention to learn more and also to have a better grades in our subjects. Do right in class: listen, participate and learn, to develop improvement how to interact to those lessons and how to cooperate with. The more behavior disapproval, the less gain children made in self- regulation.