Huwebes, Abril 10, 2014


A Research Paper Presented to
English Resources Center
School of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRITE- Research Writing


Jasper Bunquin

April 2014

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


This paper attempted to determine the examples and effects of the common studying problems of each student encountering not only inside but outside in school.
This research design used in this study is the descriptive-informative research method wherein information and data from articles on the internet, facts from few books were used to answer and discussed the research question posed. The research findings are the following:

1. The common problems of each student are not only happening inside the school but outside the school that most people didn't know about it because they only know is the problem of the student is only in school occurs.

2. Common studying problems have a deep effect in each student who are taking studying in school. Even if the person is trying to avoid it, it can't escape form it but you can overcome those problems.

3. Each student might relate to these research because all of the students encountering these problems in their daily lives especially in their own universities. This research will add more knowledge to the readers to realize their mistakes and how to correct it.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The negative effect of the common problem of the student is beig tempted to do wrong. Having a peer pressure is really bad for students because once you try that nonsense things, you will obtain it more.

2. The problems of the students are not only happening inside the school but also outside the school because of family problems, financial problems, relationship problems and more so that it affect the students performances.


After drawing conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby makes the following suggestions:

1. People should take a deeper look on newspapers and magazines for they somehow based on reality or prediction in society.

2. People specifically students, teacher, readers should be more aware or realize what is happening to the real world industry that brings realization of the wrong predictions in society that must be correct.

3. Future researchers should able to design a possible future innovation in the study of common studying problems. It needs to create on order to inspire readers.


A. Electronic Media

Gardner, W. (2012, November) Blaming Teachers When Students Don't Learn. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from
Adams, T. (2012, July) The Most Serious Problems in Schools. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from
Shore, K. (2013, January) Sleeping in Class. Retrieved April 9, 2014 from
Duenez, J. (2011, April) Problems Outside The School. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from
Falahati, L. (2013, October) Experiencing Financial Problems. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from
Tartakovsky, M. (2008, September) Depression ad Anxiety Among College Students. Retrieved from April 5, 2014 from
Pavlina, S. (2012, December) Overcoming Procrastination. Retrieved from April 5, 2014 from
Landino, R. (2010, August) The 'Stress Out' College Students. Retrieved from April 5, 2014 from


Chapter 2

      What problems do students encounter outside the school that have a negative effect on their academic performance?

Definition of Common Studying Problems

Definitions of common studying problems involve every college students who are currently studying with struggles. According to the website The Free Dictionary, common studying problems are defined as "the matter or situation regard to studying and need to be deal with and overcome (stress, procrastination, peer pressure, addiction, etc.)" in every aspects of life through studying (

A student's problem is something that it causes trouble or difficulty that has bad effect in every students. In actuality, the common problems are adapting in each student who are learning in school which is determining the dangerous effect of those problems. However, in the same mark, it describe it as the the trouble in situation of every student that need to overcome. Indeed, it is statement requiring a solution usually by means of one or more constructions.

In an article entitled "Common Misconceptions about Students Problems" written by Denise Chalmers and Simon Volet in the website They tell about the description of the common students problems that has encountering misconceptions of every students. The abstract tells about the international students referring to problems of the student is definitely not only happens in school but outside the campus. These findings challenge university teachers to consider accepted beliefs and practices. They quoted, "Not all students is suffering learning through the campus but also outside of it." (

The common students problems referring to the individual student have different problems inside and outside the campuses or universities. Which means, it cannot be subjective to misconception of idea that affects the beliefs of the student and their family. 

Types of Problems of a Students Encounter Outside the School

A. Financial Problems of the Students

The financial problems are one of the common studying problems that happens outside the school that each students pursues it that extremely affects their studies so that, students were not able to concentrate to their academic performances.

In the article "Experiencing Financial Problems Among University Students" written by Leila Falahati, she said that her findings indicated that the gender significantly moderates the effect of financial attitude, secondary socialization on financial problems among students. She tells that the examination of the moderating effect of gender is the purpose on the relationship between financial socialization among students ( She also tells that in experiencing financial problems among students, it is empirical study on moderating effect of gender.

The financial problems is one of the common studying problem that each student pursues it that causes different trials so it affects their studies. Many people experiencing these challenges even though they need to study, they can't because there's not enough budget that people can't afford tuition fees.

In an article entitled "Financial Issues Facing College Students" by Elaine E. Bedel in As the summary of the article, for most students, going off to college represents the first time they are totally on their own. It's their time to learn to be responsible for themselves.

Miss Bedel quoted "As parents, we hope any lapse in judgement has only minor consequences." Unfortunately, errors in money management can impact them long after graduation. Giving your students some pointers to save more efficient money for future.
Academic qualifications are important and also financial education. They're both important so that we must nurture these aspects to avoid mass destructions (

B. Depression
Most commonly reasons cause the student is broken-heartedness, somehow some are taking suicide because of too much sadness. It is said to hear that many students had been drunk or whatever because they need comfort. Depression and anxiety are prevalent problems in colleges across the country. There is no question that all of the national surveys people have at our fingertips show a distinct rise in the number of mental health problems.

In an article entitled "Depression and Anxiety Among College Students" wrote by Margarita Tartakovsky in the website She tells about the factors of those stress among college students who are involve in part of depression. Specifically, college calls for significant transition where, "students experience including new lifestyles, new cultures." She says that, "In the past 15 years, depression has doubled and suicide tripled" (http://depression-and-anxiety-among-college-students/margaritatartakovsky/0166889).

According to a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), universities and colleges also have seen an increase in students seeking services for anxiety disorders. For some students, college isn't the first time they encounter depression and anxiety. When students head off to college, the familiar people are no longer there to reinforce the identity these students have created for themselves. This can make students "disoriented and feel a loss of their sense of self," contributing to symptoms of depression and anxiety (

C. Concentration
There are many reasons why students' mind might wander in classes. Some of the most common factors are non-medical and simple, and they can be treated by making small changes in your routine.

Grace Fleming wrote an article entitled "Lack of Concentration" in the website She tells about there are many studies have shown serious physical, emotional, and cognitive effects about concentration. Fatigue is probably the most common cause for an inability to concentrate on one topic.

She said, "Teens typically have busy lives and develop habits that make it difficult to get to sleep early enough." However, if people have a serious concentration problem, they may need to make some sacrifices to find a solution. (

Concentration is essential for study. Many students may find it hard to concentrate on their study properly. They just read the lines of their lessons but they are not able to grasp the ideas in the words because they can’t properly concentrate on it while learning.

Natural development stages that most college students go through also occasionally contribute to attention and concentration problems. There are many problems with concentration and focusing, at the times psychological and social difficulties may fit a diagnosis of depressions, anxiety, etc. Other examples are sleeping and appetite behavior is being complicated in achieving success in academics. Other than that, those alcohols, drugs and many more might get affected the academic performance of the student which is dangerous that lead them to distractions or troubles not to concentrate with their studying. (

Students can't avoid to lose concentration or focus on part of leaning. Maybe it's about depression made outside the school and other anxieties or any problem that the person can't resist or escape to it.

D. Procrastination
The avoidance of doing a task which needs to be done- postponing until tomorrow what can be done today. Procrastination not only affect’s a person’s work but also commonly involves feeling such as guilt, inadequacy, self-disgust, stress and depression. The dissertation will always be there when you come back.

In an article entitled "Overcoming Procrastination" wrote by Steve Pavlina in his own website It summarize on how to overcome procrastination among students, the behavior pattern of procrastination can be triggered in many ways, so you won't always procrastinate for the same your reason. Sometimes students can't avoid procrastinating because they are overwhelmed with too much on their plate.

Pavlina quoted, "Even if you enjoy studying, there are always temptations lurking to put paid to your good intentions." Of course, it is quite normal to occasionally give in to temptation, but if starts to become a habit, you are likely to encounter real problems.

Other times they feel tired ad lazy, this can quickly lead to overwhelm, and ironically you may be more likely to procrastinate when you can least afford it. Even when motivation is high, students still encounter tasks that they don't want to. In these situations self-discipline works like a motivational backup system. If you're self-discipline is weak, however, procrastinating will be too tempting to resist (

E. Problem with Relationships

Not all of the students encountering problems in their schools. The problems also happen outside the school which means it's upon the moral behavior of the student who has a  problem and which it is. There are many things that happen outside the school that can affect student's life.

Jackie Duenez wrote an article entitled "Problems Outside the School" in the website She tells that there are many problem issues outside the school can have a big impact on students, especially on how they perform in class. 
She stated, "Situations that have to do can affect you in both good in bad ways. They could either motivate you to do better or persuade you to mess up." (

One example of the problem that she mentioned is relationship issues of the student. She tells that to have a relationship with your girlfriend/boyfriend is not on the right time, it is a big hindrance in all of the students who are performing in school. That's only when it gets hard at times but on the other hand, it will affect the students concentration in school.

F. Stress
College can be a stressful time for anyone. Some stress pushes students too meet goals by studying more, working harder or sticking with a challenging task. But sometimes stress reaches an unhealthy level that can prevent you from functioning well and meeting your goals. Students' health, school performance and social life can all suffer when stress becomes too much to handle. That's because stress can affect your mood in ability to think clearly. It also weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick.

In the article entitled "The 'Stress Out' College Students" wrote by Rita Landino. According to her, the term "stressed out" is one that many college students use to describe themselves. Some students use the term so much as to render it meaningless.
She quoted, "Stress is an individual's response to the demand for change". At any given point in time, most college students are stressed about something; it's just part of going to school. Stress is an inevitable part of life, but you can improve the way you respond to stress and avoid or change some of the situations that creates negative stress (

Stress is part of each student that's why there's a good reliever to stressed out and overcome those problems inside and outside of the school. Miss Landino also tells about without stress, life is so meaningless and useless which means stress is good for thrilling students.  Although, some stress reactions are part of deeper and more serious emotional problems, may are not, and ca be handled with relatively simple counseling and stress-management techniques.

Linggo, Marso 16, 2014

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study
Many students suffering through encountering different problems that might easily affect their studies. People who had experience in their teachers who didn't teach very well might get affected their school performances. Having a poor teacher can make it difficult to get a good grade in the course.

Walt Gardner wrote an article called "Blaming Teachers when Students Don't Learn." In this article, he tells the truth about the reality happening in school that most of the teachers were not able to teach the students seriously. The summary of this article tells about students blaming teachers because of their experiences which teachers didn't teach a lesson well.

He says, "In their minds, teachers are not doing their jobs if they can't produce quantifiable results." ( He adds, "The view that teachers are the prime movers is not just wrong but stupid." which means learning is a partnership between students and teachers, so that collaboration gives schools better results.

Not all teachers are good teachers, some didn't take teaching seriously just for the salary they are receiving or just having a job to do. Many teachers are not responsible to teach.

Some students have problems in their grades because of the main campus or school. Perhaps there are too much noise or not a place to do required assignments. Lack of good facilities of the school might get affected the students' behavior. Most students have also an arguments in the rules and regulations of the school. The problem is they are not accepting the reality and adjust with it.

In the article called "The Most Serious Problems in Schools," Tammie Adams tells about the problems of the students taking in own school or campuses and what are these problems that the students encountering. He also tells about the factors of the serious problems in schools which students suffering problems on their own school.

He says, "Are the school providing a safe haven in which learning can occur?" It means that this problem was also described as "serious" among other schools (http://nces.ed.govpubs93/web/93149.asp). Most schools have low percentage factors among the facilities, staffs and principal who are strictly rated. He adds, "School principals agreed that lack of parent involvement was one of the most serious problem in school" (

The main reason why students have a great problem is they are sleeping in their classes and didn't take studying seriously. That's why sleeping is the biggest problem of each students encountered in their own academic performances. Aside from sleeping, some students often skip classes and don't pay attention in class because they are not interested in class.

Dr. Ken Shore wrote an article called "Sleeping in Class." In this article, he tells about the main problem of the each student which is sleeping. Problems of student that affects their performances. But somehow, he said that it is also possible to solve that problem. He gave some advice on how to overcome with that problem with students.

He says, "Knowing why a student is falling asleep will help you figure out how to respond, and whether to deal with the problem" ( He says that all of us can relate through it and we can solve that problem through his suggestions. He adds, "Sleeping in class also signify another problem that warrants your attention." That's why students didn't take studying seriously (

However,in spite of bad effects of common studying problems on each students, the researcher observes that the problem of the student is not only happening inside the school but also outside the school.

The problem that the researcher foresees is that students incriminate the school for being irresponsible for the students who are studying around it. People don't know that the problem of the students are also happening outside the school.

The purpose of this research is to determine  the readers that the common problems of each student are not all about in school occurs. This paper focuses on explaining also the problems of each students outside the school and their personal problems which it can affect their studies.

B. Statement of the Problem
​​Specifically, this study aims to answer the following problem:

What problems do students encounter outside the school that have a negative effect on their academic performance?

C. Significance of the Study

Students in all levels of every educational institution. This research paper would be able to help students especially the college students in every school in society.  To inform them more about common study problems that really affects their studies. Moreover, the researcher gives more knowledge and emphasis not in local but in the whole world. They would benefit from this study because they will able to avoid those problems to have a better future in learning.

Educators. Being teacher or being a professor means taking a lot of responsibilities. If they come to know about this research, they will be able to learn the needs of every student in learning to make sure that every lesson that they teach them will be put into action in the future. The researcher also believes that in future, there are plenty of valuable people that are successful with their future lives.

Student’s Parents/Guardians. Above them all, the parents or the guardians are the people who are guiding the student in their learning. It is also important to know the parents these kind of problems that the students experiencing. Once they knew about this research, they will be strict in their children to to improve the process of adaptation against studying problems.

D. Scope and Delimitation
The study focuses on the problems of the students outside the school.​ The purpose of this research is to determine the problems of  the students which is happening outside the school to know the people that the problem of the students are not only happening inside the school. This study delimits to know the proficiency of the respondents by gender, age and other factors according to the respondents’ profile.
E. Materials and Methods

In this research, the materials used to gather the information the researcher have gathered was mostly from the articles found online that focuses only on the topic which is Common Studying Problems. Also to prove the problems of the students not only in school but outside the school premises.

The data gathered will be analyzed and presented by the researcher by means of explanation would then give a prediction on how it will deeply affect the topic to the modern society.

F. Definition of Terms

1) Behavior. The way in which a person, organism, or group responds to a specific set of ​conditions.
2) Habit. A regularly repeated behavior pattern: an action or pattern of behavior that is ​repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may ​be unaware of it.
3) Problem. Something that is difficult to deal with: something that is a source of trouble, ​worry, or a feeling of not liking or wanting to do something.
4) Strength. Emotional toughness: the necessary qualities required to deal with stressful or ​painful situations.
5) Student. A learner or someone who attends an educational institution.
6) Study. The pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research.
7) Weakness. Lack of strength or determination: lack of strength, power, or determination.

Linggo, Pebrero 23, 2014

Blog Post 8: Cyber Sex Addiction: Bad for Students

Cybersex and Internet pornography addiction are new problem areas confronting couples and family. A most significant experience inducing family members to reach out to a therapist to help with their addicted is the realization that the individual they are living with has become a stranger. It focuses the bad habits of students who are enjoying cybersex addiction. Students' lack of social skills were predictive of more time spent online. Time spent online for cybersex was predictive of sexually compulsive behaviour.

I read an article entitled "Effects on Cybersex Addiction on Studies: The Dark Side of Force" by J.P Schneider in As a summary, is about necessity of identifying risk factors that there is a need to protect one's children from distractions and corrosive elements of the net. Limitations to internet access is needed to oneself that is very important. Therefore, a key challenge to parents and educators is identifying the risk factors and the individuals most at risk.

J.P Schneider quoted, "Ironically, many student participants justified their increasing time online saying they need to 'stay in touch' while they ignored those they were living it." I hear complaints from spouses, parents, and especially children who feel the internet has robed them of their loved ones.

These are individuals who never mastered how to get along with others. When they were studying, they often studied straight through recess or preferred cyber sexing or doing solitary activities. It deeply matters that cyber sexing is bad for society and it is not allowed what you rely is to be tempted because of your addiction that causes a great tragedy.

I read another article entitled "Causes and Signs of Cybersex Addictions" by Robert Weiss in The summary tells about the dangerous causes and signs of cyber sexing addictions of the humanity that lead to distractions of the individual. Although it's a 'virtual' sexual encounter, the addictive, power and destructive capacities of cybersex are still very real.

Robert Weiss quoted, "Similarly, people engaged in cybersex because they feel they can experiment sexually without knowing their true identity." Experiences with cybersex can also cost less than paying for other sexual services.

People with cybersex addiction become obsessed with the behavior, spending multiple hours away from their studies to access it. They may not be able to refrain from accessing the materials in studies, even though the consequences are known. Let's stop this habits of being rude to the community, it is not good for our health and personality. It is better to have a clean and delightful character that will lead us to a marvellous future.

Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

Blog post 7: Stereotypes in Schools

One of the most prevalent problems in schools is that of stereotypes. Everyone is grouped into a particular group or section, and it's hard to shake that label. For example, if a child thinks more favourably of one particular group, they may try everything that they can to try to be included in that group. Sometimes, that leads to making mistakes or bad decisions that they otherwise wouldn't make. This also leads to cliques being formed. Many cliques to have each other, for no apparent reason, which can lead to major problems.

According to the article entitled "Ethnic Stereotypes in Schools: We are all part of the Problem." written by Ron Bernee in The summary shows students are belonging to an ethnic minority to deal with ethnic stereotypes on a daily basis. First, we recognize that stereotypes are present and affecting students because of the phenomenon of stereotype threat. Stereotype threat is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Students will live up or down to perceived expectations.

As Ron Bernee quoted "Stereotyping can snuff out our uniqueness, our creativity. We become diminished." He also tells that we must help students change their own perceptions of their group. We should speak out and attack stereotypes for what they are- generalizations and attitudes from prejudicial roots.

I'm not advocating a "touchy-feeling" boost self-esteem at any cost approach. As a student, I suggest excellence in my fellow classmates and I strongly encourage them to their academic limits with a rigorous curriculum . Schools should be safe havens of thinking and dialogue. We need to be consciously teaching tolerance. We can overcome this.

Another article that I read entitled "How Ethnic Stereotypes Are created in the Classroom." of Sarah D. Sparks in The summary is about exploring ethnic gender stereotypes are created and is finding that more-equitable coed classrooms can have social and academic benefits for boys and girls alike.

Sarah Sparks quoted "Separation by gender stereotypes is a fact of human childhood and is equally common among young monkeys and apes." That part is not good for children especially those students who are actually young of being insecure.

Teachers stereotypes about student abilities may also be tempered in a more balanced classroom. Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, colour or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful. We must end this stereotyping madness.

Blog Post 6: Stress! Stress! Stress!

College can be a stressful time for anyone. Some stress pushes you to meet goals by studying more, working harder or sticking with a challenging task. But sometimes stress reaches am unhealthy level that can prevent you from functioning well and meeting your goals. Your health, school performance and social life can all suffer when stress becomes too much to handle. That's because stress can affect your mood and ability to think clearly. It can also weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick.

I read an article entitled "Good stress, Bad stress" by Jed Foundation in The summary is about benefits of stress and disadvantages of stress is a burst of energy that basically advices you on what to do. Stress is also a vital warning system, producing the fight-or-fight response. When the brain perceives some kind of stress, it starts flooding the body with chemicals. This creates a variety of reactions such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Jed Foundation quoted that "For instance, stress can help you meet daily challenges and motivates you to reach your goals." In fact, stress can help you accomplish tasks more efficiently. If can even boost memory. For instance, stress can improve how your heart works and protect your body from infection.

At any give point in time, most college students are stressed about something; it's just part of going to school. While having stress in your life is normal and often unavoidable, being stressed is something you can control. It can be hard to ask for help , and unless your friends are psychic, they may not know how stressed out you are. Finding a few moments of peace and quiet- with no cellphone, room mates, or crowds- might be just what you need. Stepping out from the crazy college environment for a few moments can do wonders for reducing your stress. Stress is an inevitable part of life, but you can improve the way you respond to stress and avoid or change some of the situations that creates negative stress.

According to another article entitled "What Kind of Stress is Good for You?" by Elizabeth Scott in The summary tells about is stress can be good or bad for you. However, good stress can turn into bad stress, and vice versa.

Elizabeth Scott quoted, "I've alluded to it twice already; good stress can be bad for you if you experience too much of it." This is because your stress response is triggered either way, there is still a cumulative stress. That's why it's important to be in tune with yourself and be able to tell when you've had too much.

Stress may be considered as any physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental unrest and that may be a factor in disease causation. An important goal for those under stress is the management of stress in our lives. Elimination of stress is unrealistic, since stress is a part of normal life. We can however, learn to manage stress through techniques such as exercise, relaxation, meditation, time management, and support systems so that we have control over our stress and its effects on our physical and mental health. Overall, it's important to have a good stress in our life.