Linggo, Marso 16, 2014

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study
Many students suffering through encountering different problems that might easily affect their studies. People who had experience in their teachers who didn't teach very well might get affected their school performances. Having a poor teacher can make it difficult to get a good grade in the course.

Walt Gardner wrote an article called "Blaming Teachers when Students Don't Learn." In this article, he tells the truth about the reality happening in school that most of the teachers were not able to teach the students seriously. The summary of this article tells about students blaming teachers because of their experiences which teachers didn't teach a lesson well.

He says, "In their minds, teachers are not doing their jobs if they can't produce quantifiable results." ( He adds, "The view that teachers are the prime movers is not just wrong but stupid." which means learning is a partnership between students and teachers, so that collaboration gives schools better results.

Not all teachers are good teachers, some didn't take teaching seriously just for the salary they are receiving or just having a job to do. Many teachers are not responsible to teach.

Some students have problems in their grades because of the main campus or school. Perhaps there are too much noise or not a place to do required assignments. Lack of good facilities of the school might get affected the students' behavior. Most students have also an arguments in the rules and regulations of the school. The problem is they are not accepting the reality and adjust with it.

In the article called "The Most Serious Problems in Schools," Tammie Adams tells about the problems of the students taking in own school or campuses and what are these problems that the students encountering. He also tells about the factors of the serious problems in schools which students suffering problems on their own school.

He says, "Are the school providing a safe haven in which learning can occur?" It means that this problem was also described as "serious" among other schools (http://nces.ed.govpubs93/web/93149.asp). Most schools have low percentage factors among the facilities, staffs and principal who are strictly rated. He adds, "School principals agreed that lack of parent involvement was one of the most serious problem in school" (

The main reason why students have a great problem is they are sleeping in their classes and didn't take studying seriously. That's why sleeping is the biggest problem of each students encountered in their own academic performances. Aside from sleeping, some students often skip classes and don't pay attention in class because they are not interested in class.

Dr. Ken Shore wrote an article called "Sleeping in Class." In this article, he tells about the main problem of the each student which is sleeping. Problems of student that affects their performances. But somehow, he said that it is also possible to solve that problem. He gave some advice on how to overcome with that problem with students.

He says, "Knowing why a student is falling asleep will help you figure out how to respond, and whether to deal with the problem" ( He says that all of us can relate through it and we can solve that problem through his suggestions. He adds, "Sleeping in class also signify another problem that warrants your attention." That's why students didn't take studying seriously (

However,in spite of bad effects of common studying problems on each students, the researcher observes that the problem of the student is not only happening inside the school but also outside the school.

The problem that the researcher foresees is that students incriminate the school for being irresponsible for the students who are studying around it. People don't know that the problem of the students are also happening outside the school.

The purpose of this research is to determine  the readers that the common problems of each student are not all about in school occurs. This paper focuses on explaining also the problems of each students outside the school and their personal problems which it can affect their studies.

B. Statement of the Problem
​​Specifically, this study aims to answer the following problem:

What problems do students encounter outside the school that have a negative effect on their academic performance?

C. Significance of the Study

Students in all levels of every educational institution. This research paper would be able to help students especially the college students in every school in society.  To inform them more about common study problems that really affects their studies. Moreover, the researcher gives more knowledge and emphasis not in local but in the whole world. They would benefit from this study because they will able to avoid those problems to have a better future in learning.

Educators. Being teacher or being a professor means taking a lot of responsibilities. If they come to know about this research, they will be able to learn the needs of every student in learning to make sure that every lesson that they teach them will be put into action in the future. The researcher also believes that in future, there are plenty of valuable people that are successful with their future lives.

Student’s Parents/Guardians. Above them all, the parents or the guardians are the people who are guiding the student in their learning. It is also important to know the parents these kind of problems that the students experiencing. Once they knew about this research, they will be strict in their children to to improve the process of adaptation against studying problems.

D. Scope and Delimitation
The study focuses on the problems of the students outside the school.​ The purpose of this research is to determine the problems of  the students which is happening outside the school to know the people that the problem of the students are not only happening inside the school. This study delimits to know the proficiency of the respondents by gender, age and other factors according to the respondents’ profile.
E. Materials and Methods

In this research, the materials used to gather the information the researcher have gathered was mostly from the articles found online that focuses only on the topic which is Common Studying Problems. Also to prove the problems of the students not only in school but outside the school premises.

The data gathered will be analyzed and presented by the researcher by means of explanation would then give a prediction on how it will deeply affect the topic to the modern society.

F. Definition of Terms

1) Behavior. The way in which a person, organism, or group responds to a specific set of ​conditions.
2) Habit. A regularly repeated behavior pattern: an action or pattern of behavior that is ​repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may ​be unaware of it.
3) Problem. Something that is difficult to deal with: something that is a source of trouble, ​worry, or a feeling of not liking or wanting to do something.
4) Strength. Emotional toughness: the necessary qualities required to deal with stressful or ​painful situations.
5) Student. A learner or someone who attends an educational institution.
6) Study. The pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research.
7) Weakness. Lack of strength or determination: lack of strength, power, or determination.