Linggo, Enero 26, 2014

Blog Post 1: "Are you with me?: Measuring Students Attention"

All of us are studying because we have different purposes in our lives. We have different strategies for different kinds of situation to win over poverty. All of us has our own dreams that we to achieve. But there are times when we are studying we are being inconsolable and we cannot focus because there's something bothering us. Why is it that many of us are losing focus and attention inside the class? As I am currently studying, I have noticed many of students that destroys the perspective of learning. I also observed that many of the students are not listening very well and are being lazy and do not cooperate in the class.

According to the article "The Teaching Center" in, Dr. Ken Shore quoted "All of us have slept in class but if you are nodding your head in denial then you are part of that one percent of total nerds who will be forever alone." He also tells that 99% of all students have almost always slept in one class.

The article's summary is about the percentage about most students have been slept in class that Dr. Ken Shore told. Because they are not active though they are not like the subject, they keep on sleeping which is definitely wrong during class hours.

As my comment, I was wonder why most students are not interested in the class. Sleeping is good for us but it is not applicable during class hours. You may be removed from the session because you are not paying attention. There are many reasons that all of these are happening as variety of people have reasoned out. One of the reasons is; the students are not interested with the subject that they are listening to. They don't like to listen because they know that the subject is so boring and that is why some are doing something, some are talking to each other and some are sleeping. The second that the students are not interested to the person talking in front. That's why they don't cooperate reason with their teacher and to their classmates. What students want are the good and kind teachers that can capture their attention.

Another article that I've read called "27 ways to Make sure Students Pay Attention in Class" authored by Jeff Dunn in as he mentioned that keeping the attention of your students is not easy. He quoted "My favorites are having a students 'make' things and for the groups to create the rules."
The tips that helps you to improve attention in learning are: Seat the students near to the teacher, provide a quiet area for seat work or quizzes, ensure students have adequate physical space between them. These are some procedures what to do in major learning according to the article, but there are also many tips which helps you to pay attention in class.

As my summary according to the article, all of us doesn't have pay attention in class but these tips make sure your attention keeps you improve to avoid distraction through classes. First, you must ask to repeat what just said. Grab attention by showing an energetic skills. Get up and move. These kinds of tips makes you more active during class hours. You need to apply to cope with the class.

There are usually very flawed, they have something in their hearts that keeps away of being attentive in class. Their goals are not being achieve because of self-reliant through other activities so that it may be a cause of tragedies. It is hard to appreciate those things but you need to accept whether you like it or not but you can do more effort to persevere among those students that are not paying attention though it is hard but it may be connected to circumstances in different aspects of learning.

What I've learned is that learning is much important than teaching because all of us can learn and all of us can teach ourselves, don't depend on the teachings who teaches you. All I can say is you must study to acquire wisdom through studying is good  but also challenging, you must strive and not quit. Being unaware in studying is not a good idea, your success is the result of your own perspectives in learning. Nothing can be gained by extensive study and wide reading, you must give them up immediately.